好吧,所以我试着用它,所以我试着用它jQuery0 E' v( h2 M0 r
7 T7 ]' e' c& p" {! K: H6 N1 g2 C这是我目前展示整个表格的方式:
/ R9 W7 {6 d9 G; q# z// DB table to use$table = 'Notes';// Table's primary key$primaryKey = 'CID';// Array of database columns which should be read and sent back to DataTables.// The `db` parameter represents the column name in the database,while the `dt`// parameter represents the DataTables column identifier. In this case simple// indexes$columns = array(array( 'db' => 'CID','dt' => 0 ),array( db => 'CID', 'dt => formatter' => function( $d,$row ()()()()()return '[url=profile.php?search='.$d.']'.$d."[/url]"; array( 'db' => 'Title','dt' => 1 ),array( 'db' => 'Name', 'dt' => 2 ),array( 'db => 'Date dt => 3、 formatter' => function( $d,$row ()()()()()return date( 'jS M y',strtotime($d)); )SQL server connection information$sql_details = array('user' => '*DB_USER*','pass' => '*Password*','db' => '*DatabaseName*','host' => 'localhost');require( 'ssp.class.php' );echo json_encode( SSP::simple( $_GET,$sql_details,$table,$primaryKey,$columns ));我需要相当于 SELECT * FROM Notes WHERE Status ='Unread'. o7 V! S' T c% O& k6 S
: u2 p1 x5 [ Q7 P+ M2 U# ~ 解决方案: ( j+ w0 x" N7 ~
您应该更改 DataTables的 默认功能做到这一点!6 v# B7 A' R9 F9 f$ m+ S+ c
使用此 ssp.class.php 定制类- I6 b: F# r# E" Q3 g( T
9 N4 p) t3 G( j! t就像下面的例子一样:
* P7 v' Z2 k) _3 T9 n& S4 ?& Yrequire( 'ssp.class.php' );$where = "Status ='Unread'";echo json_encode( SSP::simple( $_GET,$sql_details,$table,$primaryKey,$columns,$where ));如果设置$ where参数,则Custom类将在where子句中添加select语句!
' L& H, S/ G( _( i2 I, [更新 :% `- t$ v) b% i7 E8 G! C" Q
0 e7 k3 s6 v+ n2 |3 x' P' _可以在查询中设置新的内置方法where子句! |