go get results in 'terminal prompts disabled' error for github
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我在浏览器里用 Github UI 创建私有仓库 examplesite/myprivaterepo。* J9 p$ [! V3 w! p( {* h
然后我转到了我的 go 目录(桌面)和克隆:: e1 `/ a- h8 S5 c' _% s" X, F- q3 F
$ cd $GOPATH$ go get github.com/examplesite/myprivaterepo7 l0 n# C q8 f' E' v' }
到目前为止还不错。创建文件 scheduler.go,添加到 repo 并推送。
3 ~3 T( S# Y% k, W9 u! J$ vim scheduler.go$ git add scheduler.go$ git commit$ git push
$ I$ ]- K. P3 i 一切正常。但是当我找到一台干净的笔记本电脑,尝试克隆 repo 有错误:
$ t1 {) Y" ~* b; J& b" i# Now on laptop,which doesn't yet know about the repo$ cd $GOPATH$ go get github.com/examplesite/myprivaterepo# At this point it should ask for my user ID and password ,right? But it doesn't.# Instead,this error occurs:cd .; git clone https://github.com/examplesite/myprivaterepo /Users/tom/go/src/github.com/examplesite/myprivaterepoCloning into '/Users/tom/go/src/github.com/examplesite/myprivaterepo'...fatal: could not read Username for 'https://github.com': terminal prompts disabledpackage github.com/examplesite/myprivaterepo: exit status 128& c* b0 s9 s# l+ V1 z: R
为什么我的笔记本电脑讨厌我自己的回购?我怎样才能让它接受它的命运?非常感谢。1 a- C9 n$ c/ u* N
& b: \+ w- l9 q 解决方案: 8 G7 q$ _2 ]! Q# A, F$ L9 u" c
我发现这很有帮助。它解决了我的问题。此命令将允许您的 2FA 执行其操作(省去输入用户名和密码的麻烦):
' u2 B0 r: a- P/ L- a& {git config --global --add url."git@github.com:".insteadOf "https://github.com/"; O: f! i, {! t# s d" F R0 d