在 Git 中推送提交时消息“src refspec master does not match any”
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2 h: A3 I5 S3 U/ y9 b$ Rgit clone ssh://xxxxx/xx.git 但是我改变了一些文件和文件add它们commit之后,我想把它们推到服务器上:
' v3 x5 \, s U g% m; s2 y7 lgit add xxx.phpgit commit -m "TEST"git push origin master但我回来的错误是:
) g( [ [; E# ?6 y: oerror: src refspec master does not match any. error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://xxxxx.com/project.git'4 }, T2 u8 C2 p& k
1 _" E" u h' ^! X, a" @+ S% o
解决方案: " f* e% |/ E# S/ f/ T; u
; S% g! _5 T, K3 m( umkdir repo && cd repogit remote add origin /path/to/origin.gitgit add .哎呀!从未承诺!
! W. E' Q6 G$ N1 {6 t% Sgit push -u origin mastererror: src refspec master does not match any.我要做的是:
5 A6 a! n/ t6 n# F- E7 U! xgit commit -m "initial commit"git push origin master成功! |