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" x5 w! x* K* _0 L7 ^9 o5 B( ?. UWITH myconstants (var1,var2) as ( values (5,'foo'))SELECT *FROM somewhere,myconstantsWHERE something = var1 OR something_else = var2;我尝试了以下方法,没有运气:6 N9 x, T6 r9 Q3 e. I- c
playground> CREATE TABLE foo (id numeric)CREATE TABLEplayground> WITH consts (x) AS (VALUES (2)) INSERT INTO foo VALUES (x)column "x" does not existLINE 1: WITH consts (x) AS (VALUES (2)) INSERT INTO foo VALUES (x) ^playground> WITH consts (x) AS (VALUES (2)) INSERT INTO foo VALUES (consts.x)missing FROM-clause entry for table "consts"LINE 1: ...consts (x) AS (VALUES (2)) INSERT INTO foo VALUES (consts.x) ^playground> WITH consts (x) AS (VALUES (2)) INSERT INTO foo VALUES (consts.x) FROM constssyntax error at or near "FROM"LINE 1: ...AS (VALUES (2)) INSERT INTO foo VALUES (consts.x) FROM const... ^playground> WITH consts (x) AS (VALUES (2)) INSERT INTO foo FROM consts VALUES (consts.x)syntax error at or near "FROM"LINE 1: WITH consts (x) AS (VALUES (2)) INSERT INTO foo FROM consts ... ^注意:我是SQL初学者,所以我在寻找避免暗示的初学者PLPGSQL解决方案的方法。
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