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我有一个基本的group by / avg语句:: s/ n$ I9 [% d
select url,avg(contentping tcpping),count(*) from websites ws,ping pi where ws.idwebsite = pi.idwebsite and errortype is nullgroup by url order by avg(contentping tcpping) asc;我现在想做的是删除任何平均值ping高500的结果。我该怎么办?…?
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" X# j" a T J( { 只需添加一个having子句:+ V1 V' Z* G" H/ ~% d
select url,avg(contentping tcpping),count(*) from websites ws,ping pi where ws.idwebsite = pi.idwebsite and errortype is nullgroup by url having avg(contenetping tcpping) < 500order by avg(contentping tcpping) asc; |