我有以下 JSON
* K) } ]; |. ]2 ~{"a":1,"b":2,"?":1,"??":1}1 f3 ^$ }4 U7 @3 X
* ~* s2 x/ Y2 r. O* U' otype Foo struct { / Known fields A int `json:"a"` B int `json:"b"` // Unknown fields X map[string]interface{} `json:???` // Rest of the fields should go here.}
# i) Z" n% E8 C( S4 f6 g 我怎么做?3 x* I2 y& Z! x$ k5 U5 _/ s; N
3 o \' E/ w6 v; [% r
! @; J3 n. C% {( l% B8 J/ ^2 w: m; j& c 解组两次一种选择是解组两次:一次进入一种值,Foo一次进入一个类型的值map[string]interface并删除键"a"和"b":: q) f3 t Q2 I( o; Y* ]' o
type Foo struct A int `json:"a"` B int `json:"b"` X map[string]interface{} `json:"-"` // Rest of the fields should go here.}func main() s := `{"a":1,"b":2,"x":1,"y":1}` f := Foo{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s),&f); err != nil panic(err) } if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s),&f.X); err != nil panic(err) } delete(f.X,"a") delete(f.X,"b") fmt.Printf("% v",f)}5 T4 L- |/ g( C7 o! {! T/ b8 I& G: v
输出(在Go Playground上试试):
8 v( t) R/ [ {4 N+ G& H{A:1 B:2 X:map[x:1 y:1]}
( O; N" o9 n- m# J3 H7 f7 ^% G0 k 手动解组一次另一种选择是将一次解组到 anmap[string]interface{}并手动处理Foo.A和Foo.B字段:& F ^- w, R5 N) c6 c P
type Foo struct A int `json:"a"` B int `json:"b"` X map[string]interface{} `json:"-"` // Rest of the fields should go here.}func main() s := `{"a":1,"b":2,"x":1,"y":1}` f := Foo{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(s),&f.X); err != nil panic(err) } if n,ok := f.X["a"].(float64); ok f.A = int(n) } if n,ok := f.X["b"].(float64); ok f.B = int(n) } delete(f.X,"a") delete(f.X,"b") fmt.Printf("% v",f)}7 {( E7 z0 D3 T5 B. S
输出相同(Go Playground):
0 ~) R' b4 P& v$ o6 u; `* P{A:1 B:2 X:map[x:1 y:1]}
+ C) v% t% a5 o. E& |! T' t |