" \7 b% q- I* d# L" ]我们有& V _5 p2 `2 }( M( s8 N* l
SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition SP1 10.50.2500.上面有多个数据库。8 j d. _9 i4 M4 [' m( H
一个数据库(大小约747Mb) ; l# f8 w# @; K. I+ `3 O4 z
存储过程采用不同的参数,确实从数据库中的多个表中选择。代码:! p4 V5 w" b$ g" E* T9 y% p. G
ALTER Procedure [dbo].[spGetMovieShortDataList]( @MediaID int = null, @Rfa nvarchar(8) = null, @LicenseWindow nvarchar(8) = null, @OwnerID uniqueidentifier = null, @LicenseType nvarchar(max) = null, @PriceGroupID uniqueidentifier = null, @Format nvarchar(max) = null, @GenreID uniqueidentifier = null, @Title nvarchar(max) = null, @Actor nvarchar(max) = null, @ProductionCountryID uniqueidentifier = null, @DontReturnMoviesWithNoLicense bit = 0, @DontReturnNotReadyMovies bit = 0, @take int = 10, @skip int = 0, @order nvarchar(max) = null, @asc bit = 1)as begin declare @SQLString nvarchar(max); declare @ascending nvarchar(5); declare @ParmDefinition nvarchar(max); set @ParmDefinition = '@MediaID int, declare @now DateTime; declare @Rfa nvarchar(8) @LicenseWindow nvarchar(8) @OwnerID uniqueidentifier, @LicenseType nvarchar(max), @PriceGroupID uniqueidentifier, @Format nvarchar(max), @GenreID uniqueidentifier, @Title nvarchar(max), @Actor nvarchar(max), @ProductionCountryID uniqueidentifier, @DontReturnMoviesWithNoLicense bit = 0, @DontReturnNotReadyMovies bit = 0, @take int, @skip int, @now DateTime'; set @ascending = case when @asc = 1 then 'ASC' else 'DESC' end set @now = GetDate(); set @SQLString = 'SELECT distinct m.ID,m.EpisodNo,m.MediaID,p.Dubbed,pf.Format,t.OriginalTitle into #temp FROM Media m inner join Asset a1 on m.ID=a1.ID inner join Asset a2 on a1.ParentID=a2.ID inner join Asset a3 on a2.ParentID=a3.ID inner join Title t on t.ID = a3.ID inner join Product p on a2.ID = p.ID left join AssetReady ar on ar.AssetID = a1.ID left join License l on l.ProductID=p.ID left join ProductFormat pf on pf.ID = p.Format CASE WHEN @PriceGroupID IS NOT NULL THEN left join LicenseToPriceGroup lpg on lpg.LicenseID = l.ID ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @Title IS NOT NULL THEN left join LanguageAsset la on la.AssetID = m.ID ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @LicenseType IS NOT NULL THEN left join LicenseType lt on lt.ID=l.LicenseTypeID ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @Actor IS NOT NULL THEN left join Cast c on c.AssetID = a1.ID ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @GenreID IS NOT NULL THEN left join ListToCountryToAsset lca on lca.AssetID=a1.ID ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @ProductionCountryID IS NOT NULL THEN left join ProductionCountryToAsset pca on pca.AssetID=t.ID ' ELSE '' END where = case when @Rfa = ''All'' then when @Rfa = ''Ready'' then ar.Rfa when @Rfa = ''NotReady'' and (l.TbaWindowStart is null OR l.TbaWindowStart = 0) and ar.Rfa = 0 and ar.SkipRfa = 0 then when @Rfa = ''Skipped'' and ar.SkipRfa = 1 then end) CASE WHEN @LicenseWindow IS NOT NULL THEN AND = (case when (@LicenseWindow = 1 And (l.WindowEnd @now))) then when (@LicenseWindow = 4 And ((l.TbaWindowStart = 1 or l.WindowStart > @now) and (l.TbaWindowEnd = 1 or l.WindowEnd > @now))) then when (@LicenseWindow = 3 And ((l.WindowEnd @now)))) then when (@LicenseWindow = 5 And ((l.WindowEnd @now) and (l.TbaWindowEnd = 1 or l.WindowEnd > @now)))) then when (@LicenseWindow = 6 And ((l.TbaWindowStart = 0 and l.WindowStart @now)) or ((l.TbaWindowStart = 1 or l.WindowStart > @now) and (l.TbaWindowEnd = 1 or l.WindowEnd > @now)))) then when ((@LicenseWindow = 7 Or @LicenseWindow = 0) And ((l.WindowEnd @now)) or ((l.TbaWindowStart = 1 or l.WindowStart > @now) and (l.TbaWindowEnd = 1 or l.WindowEnd > @now)))) then 1 end) ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @OwnerID IS NOT NULL THEN AND (l.OwnerID = @OwnerID) ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @MediaID IS NOT NULL THEN AND (m.MediaID = @MediaID) ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @LicenseType IS NOT NULL THEN AND (lt.Name = @LicenseType) ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @PriceGroupID IS NOT NULL THEN AND (lpg.PriceGroupID = @PriceGroupID) ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @Format IS NOT NULL THEN AND (pf.Format = @Format) ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @GenreID IS NOT NULL THEN AND (lca.ListID = @GenreID) ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @DontReturnMoviesWithNoLicense = 1 THEN AND (l.ID is not null) ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @Title IS NOT NULL THEN AND (t.OriginalTitle like N @Title ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''OR la.LocalTitle like N @Title ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @Actor IS NOT NULL THEN AND (rtrim(ltrim(replace(c.FirstName c.MiddleName c.LastName,like ''''''' rtrim(ltrim(replace(@Actor, ''%'') ' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @DontReturnNotReadyMovies = 1 THEN AND ((ar.ID is not null) AND (ar.Ready = 1) AND (ar.CountryID = l.CountryID))' ELSE '' END CASE WHEN @ProductionCountryID IS NOT NULL THEN AND (pca.ProductionCountryID = @ProductionCountryID)' ELSE '' END select #temp.* ,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by if @order = 'Title begin set @SQLString = @SQLString 'OriginalTitle end else if @order = 'MediaID begin set @SQLString = @SQLString 'MediaID end else begin set @SQLString = @SQLString 'ID end set @SQLString = @SQLString @ascending rn into #numbered from #temp declare @count int; select @count = MAX(#numbered.rn) from #numbered while (@skip >= @count ) begin set @skip = @skip - @take; end select ID,MediaID,EpisodNo,Dubbed,Format,OriginalTitle,@count TotalCount from #numbered where rn between @skip and @skip @take drop table #temp drop table #numbered execute sp_executesql @SQLString,@ParmDefinition,@MediaID,@Rfa,@LicenseWindow,@OwnerID,@LicenseType,@PriceGroupID,@Format,@GenreID, @Title,@Actor,@ProductionCountryID,@DontReturnMoviesWithNoLicense,@DontReturnNotReadyMovies,@take,@skip,@now end存储过程运行得非常好,速度非常快(通常需要1)-2秒)。
0 u3 R' J; ~/ {. ]" n通话示例
' h6 V. _$ W% k5 ?6 F B8 ^DBCC FREEPROCCACHEEXEC value = [dbo].[spGetMovieShortDataList] @LicenseWindow =N @Rfa = N'NotReady @DontReturnMoviesWithNoLicense = False, @DontReturnNotReadyMovies = True, @take = 20, @skip = 0, @asc = False, @order = N'ID'基本上,在执行存储过程中执行了三次SQL查询,第一个Select Into查询花费了99%的时间。3 L6 z$ @4 b! [4 G
该查询是 r( m1 N. A+ M- z; z& ?0 T \- Q& L
declare @now DateTime;set @now = GetDate();SELECT DISTINCT m.ID,m.EpisodNo,m.MediaID,p.Dubbed,pf.Format,t.OriginalTitleFROM Media mINNER JOIN Asset a1 ON m.ID = a1.IDINNER JOIN Asset a2 ON a1.ParentID = a2.IDINNER JOIN Asset a3 ON a2.ParentID = a3.IDINNER JOIN Title t ON t.ID = a3.IDINNER JOIN Product p ON a2.ID = p.IDLEFT JOIN AssetReady ar ON ar.AssetID = a1.IDLEFT JOIN License l on l.ProductID = p.IDLEFT JOIN ProductFormat pf on pf.ID = p.Format WHERE ((l.TbaWindowStart is null OR l.TbaWindowStart = 0) and ar.Rfa = 0 and ar.SkipRfa = 0) And (l.WindowEnd 大量的数据更新(许多表和行受到更新的影响,但是DB大小几乎不变,现在是752)之后,存储过程变得非常缓慢。现在需要20到90秒。# S9 _: N/ v L' I7 r
6 ^ C! Q5 {, Q; M- u4 \7 x我们试过:
: N; `0 L1 D3 R, j6 J" u {[ol]使用参数创建存储过程[/ol]SET ANSI_NULLS ON SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON
$ S) h5 c: H. Q) k' o+ w[ol]用参数重新创建存储过程 with recompile
& ^( _, e, \/ O! a, k清除产品缓存后的存储过程DBCC FREEPROCCACHE
7 _' ]; H3 S7 v. f将where子句的一部分移动到连接部分
U! U3 z7 N1 ~4 W. X# w重新索引表% N9 c# _6 {0 D; ~
从查询中更新类似以下句子的统计信息 UPDATE STATISTICS Media WITH FULLSCAN[/ol]然而,存储过程的执行仍然存在>> 30秒。& ]0 d# w0 n- u6 E- t3 M: K
但是,如果我运行的话SP生成的SQL查询-它执行不到2秒。8 n( q/ m9 J. c
我已经比较过了SP和原始SQL的执行计划-它们完全不同。在执行中RAW SQL的过程中-优化器正在使用合并连接,但正在执行中SP时-
$ ~; V9 B& w2 A, G哈希匹配(内部连接)用于优化器,就像没有索引一样。" S% G. a. C% J y
RAW SQl的执行计划-快速
6 B/ f; T+ F2 B" y" L: ~SP的执行计划-慢如果有人知道会发生什么-请提供帮助。提前感谢。!
* _, G9 S2 B% X5 Q* {. [/ j' a
3 F0 V5 z2 Z0 w 解决方案: $ ~9 u7 P5 t) L( y) g
尝试使用提示OPTIMIZE FORUNKNOWN。如果可行,可能比每次强制重新编译要好。问题是,最有效的查询计划取决于日期参数的实际值。SP时,SQL# v0 p, Y" G5 l8 g
Server必须猜测将提供什么实际值,并且在这里可能会做出错误的猜测。OPTIMIZE FOR UNKNOWN解决这个确切的问题。$ n- J$ M3 L7 t* |: S
' [5 C$ L7 D( }' i% Q7 \3 JOPTION (OPTIMIZE FOR (@now UNKNOWN)) |