我一直在尝试失败,在Dapper中使用IEnumerablewith withWHERE IN子句已经有一段时间了。
! J( F& `: B& |8 a" v$ i7 ^/ M在文档中,它确实说IEnumerable<i>支持在a中使用,WHERE IN但我什至无法使它正常工作。
9 B% S1 V/ y' b; n4 j) QDapper allow you to pass in IEnumerable<i> and will automatically
. f+ j F# y- H& [7 x! \# iparameterize your query.
# I; B: X) N/ i& s+ O4 Q我不断收到的错误消息是Sql语法错误。 Incorrect syntax near ','.
6 G4 n& E6 y& G+ f( B! L我整理了一些测试代码,希望它们能证明我正在尝试实现的目标。3 d3 b; I" y; P6 r
: S2 B+ [; t8 I: `string connString = "Server=*.*.*.*;Database=*;User Id=* assword=*;";. V8 \, ^% Q; n2 u/ Y* E
string sqlStringIn = @"SELECT StringText FROM : r6 x# t/ y) p0 v' K0 `9 @$ {6 S% m) z
(SELECT 1 ID, 'A' StringID, 'This is a test' StringText$ V$ t) d# k m: S; Z2 Y6 F: ^ [
UNION SELECT 2 ID, 'B' StringID, 'Another test' StringText( z" R4 g4 P$ r; J& H& a3 q- c& K% d9 l
UNION SELECT 3 ID, 'C' StringID, 'And another' StringText! ?1 ~! }* ~) f# W# ^; K4 m
UNION SELECT 4 ID, 'D' StringID, 'and again' StringText
$ M3 b! c: Y; p7 O: m o UNION SELECT 5 ID, 'E' StringID, 'yet again' StringText) data* Z6 f+ W6 @9 p7 p" U- _* l/ i
WHERE StringId IN (@str)";
3 s. |* D8 ]* Ystring sqlIntegerIn = @"SELECT StringText FROM & R% E3 A9 A$ J6 E$ O
(SELECT 1 ID, 'A' StringID, 'This is a test' StringText" T% v4 k/ O0 D& N5 e9 ] t
UNION SELECT 2 ID, 'B' StringID, 'Another test' StringText- U) c4 D7 j k, M
UNION SELECT 3 ID, 'C' StringID, 'And another' StringText U/ s4 C7 c9 f! \
UNION SELECT 4 ID, 'D' StringID, 'and again' StringText
9 k% i" O( a5 _9 f1 P8 D+ { UNION SELECT 5 ID, 'E' StringID, 'yet again' StringText) data) T7 Q+ e, @1 ?3 q7 C
WHERE ID IN (@integer)";
& O4 s9 |* j4 i" B& L( H9 y# m. Z9 h$ ^# w% ~
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connString))
1 {0 a" R8 t! }7 {, b, E! u{1 b5 Y3 b6 J5 p+ Q5 [3 q" E
conn.Open();# v! m/ F2 T5 y9 y- B. i$ ^1 {
List<i> integers = new List<i>{ 1, 2, 3 };
) n' U5 F$ [8 _ ]: v0 h List strings = new List { "A", "B", "C" };
X2 j2 D9 ?7 O8 T5 \* l0 X1 x M; X var parameters = new {str = strings, integer = integers };6 g- k7 f9 w* B$ q+ v
//fails here
) m* o Z% A! U; t' S IEnumerable intTest = conn.Query(sqlIntegerIn, parameters, commandType: System.Data.CommandType.Text);3 J4 O$ \) G5 q7 _/ p s% b
//and here
+ e1 Q1 Y) s0 H IEnumerable stringTest = conn.Query(sqlStringIn, parameters, commandType: System.Data.CommandType.Text);1 R e% c" o& H
/ l! v# _6 e5 h9 _/ ]% `' i & \* y L) G. \2 T. \, J
. j+ H9 C3 a" g
( u4 U0 u% a4 D+ h" w4 g% I, F
& }# R. D9 y- {- c$ X
7 z! F T$ l* u 为了执行此处需要的操作,dapper需要即时更改SQL-因此需要 真正 确保它在做正确的事情。常规有效的SQL语法包括括号:- q- v z6 o. p4 W V
WHERE StringId IN (@str)
$ x" L$ K2 w+ y3 }为了消除歧义, voodoo dapper语法 省略 了括号:
( S m; I- _4 c# `9 n, o* D: ~WHERE StringId IN @str
0 }0 k; Z" d5 o B; X0 \如果检测到此错误,它将查找名为的参数str,并将其扩展为以下参数之一:
* e* g+ ^9 l. t+ Y4 h- XWHERE 1=0 -- if no values) W% X! { K, y. @) D
WHERE StringId = @str -- if exactly one value* e4 ]: O; d7 u& v
WHERE StringId IN (@str0, @str1, ...) -- if more than one value1 a1 q( u+ v* L A0 K- Y2 k5 q1 s
但简短的版本:删除括号。 |